Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cool, calm, and collected

Greetings friends. Let's talk about keeping our heads in the game.

We all want to be successful, whether in relationships, work, or our private ambitions. Unfortunately, one cycle many of us can get stuck in is a negative mindset. Obsessing over the things in your life that you can't have, whatever they might be, can bring us no good. Think instead on how you're going to fix whatever problems can be fixed. Cast out your mental focus on these detriments; it will bring you no joy to wallow in your misfortunes. Remind yourself of the good things in your life. Remind yourself that you are truly someone worth being. If anyone does not like you, does not appreciate you, or rejects you, know that that person is no longer a concern. Move on with your life. If that person turns into a threat, you can then deal with them accordingly. Judge others by their benefit to you, and do not succumb to illogical flights of fancy.

Focus, gentlemen. Take three deep breaths. Learn about meditation, if you aren't already doing it. Focus on that thing that lives in the back of your mind, that little voice that knows exactly what you want in life. Feed that voice, and ignore the rest of the world. The only person who matters in the whole wide world is YOU, my friends. YOU are the only one who really, truly will always be there with your best interest at heart. Remember that, and focus your energies into forging yourself into a weapon to fight off the forces that oppress you.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The key to productivity

Many of you out there probably beat yourself up trying to force yourself to do things that are beneficial to you. You say to yourself, "I should go to the gym more", or "I should read a book instead of jerking off to tentacle porn all day". These are natural thoughts, as most of us are constantly in an endless cycle of worthless media and instant gratification. Here's what you need to do in order to break this cycle:

Find things that are good for you that you actually like.

I know, right? Seems pretty simple; you'd think people would do this on their own. Unfortunately, most people just aren't in the habit of doing things that are both healthy (in whatever way) and enjoyable. Instead, some guys force themselves to hit the gym, hating every minute of it. Some people starve themselves trying to get thin, then eventually binge-eat 24 donuts.

Trying to force yourself to be productive is the perfect way to become unproductive. 

Personally, I really enjoy jogging in the park. I love feeling the fresh air on my face. Running has always been my favorite form of exercise. Something about the way you lose yourself in the heat of it resonates with me. Other guys love to play basketball at the gym. If fucking street luge or parkour is your jam, then get out there and do that shit. Find the type of exercise that you love doing, whether it's mud wrestling, skeet shooting or pole-vaulting.The way to NOT get into shape is to force yourself to drudge through a workout that you flat out don't enjoy.

This line of thinking translates perfectly into anything you want to do. Figure out what the thing is that means something to you. Most people already have some "dream" that they think of or dream about while they waste their lives at their day-job. When you begin to chase that dream, you'll feel a surge of productive energy that you've never felt before. Quit doing useless shit that doesn't help you in some way, and turn that time into useful hours of work towards achieving your goal. When you put your time towards becoming the best version of yourself, you'll find yourself enjoying the time you spent working on it. You'll find yourself simply enjoying life more. And that's something worth working for.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

How to spot a stupid person

There are many types of stupid people out there, but here I'll illustrate for you some of their more common tells. Knowing how to spot a stupid person is a useful skill in every day life. Identifying these Wonderful Individuals is necessary to us higher order life forms because it allows us first to assign these lower life forms their proper status, and to treat them accordingly. Secondly, this identification will prevent us from making the mistake of taking seriously any of the pseudo-intellectual drivel that might come forth from their oft-flapping mouth-hole.

To find a fool among a crowd of the brilliant, you must only look to see where your intelligent peers cast their disdainful eyes. A moron among intellectuals is quickly identified, for as soon as they speak they reveal their ignorance. Unfortunately, we do not often find ourselves in a group of intellectuals, nor do we find ourselves typically in a group featuring only one level of intelligence. Let's discuss some easy ways to figure out which type of stupid person you're dealing with, and how to spot them among their (possibly equally stupid) social group.

Stupid people will either be very loud or very quiet. This is because some stupid people are aware enough of their lack of mental acuity to shut their damn mouth around those who are their mental superiors. That, or they are quite used to being shunned from social groups for saying so much stupid shit. These types of stupid people are more difficult to identify, as they are easily mistaken for the closet intellectual who might be an autistic or otherwise socially inept. You can prod these types with some bait... Ask them their thoughts on your favorite flavor of physics. Discuss with them any field of intellectual inquiry which you're interested in. Shit, ask them what their favorite book is, or what they last thing they read was. If they betray that they have never read a book, or have not read anything in quite some time, you've got a winner. If they name a book that sounds like fluff, you might just be dealing with someone who has poor taste in literature.

Identifying loud stupid people is much easier. Simple ask them the justify something they say. Usually, they'll say something like "that's just the way I feel", or "I just know". The ignorant will often jump to broad generalizations to justify their specific claims. This is because in order to justify a statement, one must know sufficient background information to support it. Stupid people love to make statements that might sound smart on the surface, as these statements gain them Stupid-People-Points with their fellow inept. Ask the magical question "Why?" and you'll easily separate the smart from the not-so-smart.

Possibly the worst type of stupid people are the argumentative type. These particularly nasty idiots can win any argument because they are so steadfast in their own ignorance that they will resist any attempt to display logic or hard facts. These guys love to talk about politics, religion, and philosophy. Anything that is based in opinion or speculation is fair game for them, as these things cannot be refuted by simply asking Google to point out the flaws in their argument. Once you are baited into an argument with these people, there is no winning. Just ask them to send you the relevant empirical research on the topic, and say you'll read it over and have a proper discussion with them at a later date. So far, I have not been sent any research. A pity, that.

Monday, November 3, 2014


Persistence is an appropriate topic, as I haven't touched this blog for a month or two. Buckling down and sticking with your ambitions is imperative for success. Without determined persistence you will forever have a vague ambition in your mind without ever realizing it. My greatest fear is dying without first leaving my mark on this world. I imagine those of you who see this will be able to relate to this fear. We die twice in this world, first when we stop breathing, second when we've been forgotten. I believe most would prefer to leave a lasting legacy, and persistence is the way to achieve that.

So how do we gain persistence? It's tough. Essentially, we must force ourselves to break the patterns of our past negligence. We must frame in our mind exactly what we wish to accomplish, then set out to accomplish it. There's a lot more to be said on figuring out exactly what you want to do, but that's a whole other topic. In order to be persistent, we must believe in what we are doing. We must know that the things we do are beneficial not just to ourselves but to some greater cause. We must build something that will last, something bigger than ourselves.

Now, obviously you can't go from smoking weed and masturbating every day straight to building the fucking Empire State Building. What can we do in between legacy ground zero and the achievement of our ambitions? First of all, we must cultivate a success environment. Eliminate the cancer of your laziness from your life. At all stages of your day, ask yourself if what you are doing is beneficial to your goals. If it is not, remove that thing from your life. Spend all hours of the day committed to working towards bettering yourself and achieving your goals. This advice seems vague; obviously we should always be doing things that are good as opposed to things that are not good. This is common sense, however most of us do not abide by this rule. I'm not advocating a complete abstinence from all entertainment, but I am suggesting that we replace as many non-productive activities as we can with other things that directly help us to achieve our ambition.

My personal goal in life is to be a writer. I don't know what drives you, but more than anything I want to establish myself as an author and a creator. Figure out what the thing is that you'd like to do with your life, then do things that are relevant to that. Read books, blogs, and guides relating to the subject you're interested in. Improve your skills not just in the area you are interested in, but also in all adjacent skill areas. If you want to be a mechanic, start working on cars. If you want to be a famous dancer, play some fucking music in your living room and jam it out. If you want to be a writer, WRITE SOMETHING! The key to persistently achieving what you care about is every single fucking day to do that thing.

Somebody said to the famous cellist Yo-yo Ma, "I'd give my life to play like you". He replied, "I did".

That's what it takes, gentlemen. It's hard. It's going to be harder than anything you've ever done to put yourself out there and to chase your dream. It doesn't matter what your dream is; if your dream is worth dreaming about it is not going to be easy. What I can tell you from experience though, is that the first step is the hardest. Get into the groove of bettering yourself and going after your ambition. You'll find yourself doing the things that used to seem like work just out of habit. You'll begin to enjoy jogging every day. You'll begin to feel idle if you aren't working on something. You'll develop this urge in your bones to go out there and do whatever it is that you care about. It's a good feeling gentlemen, and you can have it before too long. All your dreams are within your reach.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


People are stupid. We see what we want to see. We ignore the things we don't want to believe are there. Our society is programmed to drudge through life without questioning our surroundings. However, this is not a practical method for living life. Men must break free of societal conditioning to realize the true state of things in their environment. We can apply this line of thinking to social interactions, though the implications are broader.

In general, people want more for themselves. People tend to want a bare minimum of "equality", but we'd all prefer to have a big house than a small one. The current zeitgeist in this country, however, suggests that each citizen should do his best to further the Great American Dream. A wife, kids, self-loathing and a white picket fence. Naturally, the Dream holds slightly different promises for women, but that's a whole other issue.

These parts of our mentality as Americans seem opposed, and they are. Through religion, law and grandmothers (a dying breed), a great belief is inculcated in us of the Common Good. This status quo of every person doing their part equally throughout society is a logical fallacy. Naturally, some will exploit the opportunity available in any system they're placed in. Further, unless you're a Buddhist monk, you probably have desires for worldly objects such as power or affection, in any of their respective forms. A huge majority of men these days simply accept the reality that they're been spoon-fed their whole life. They work in jobs they hate, slowly growing old. They die fat, sad and alone. Meanwhile men who seem like vagabonds, men who should be despised for so drastically breaking the societal mold, live awash in a sea of choices for potential mates. These men who are breaking the rules of society, who often have trouble with Authority, are perceived as whatever people may wish to see them as. Some hate them for going against the established norms. Others adore them, wishing to cast off the chains of oppression placed upon them by a predatory social hierarchy.

I am a vagabond, and I am proud of it. I do not accept my forced slavery to society. I will not work a job I despise to pay for a house I don't want. One day I'll settle down. However, I will not be coerced into spending my prime years of Manhood squelched by the feminine imperative.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Spotting your targets

When men begin learning how to attract women, one of the first things they must do is identify women who they can approach. As men, even if we are passively attracting women into our orbit, all but the highest ranking of alpha males must still actively approach women to find new talent for his roster. This begs the question of how to best figure out which women to talk to and which ones to ignore. Certain women will behave in certain ways so as to suggest their susceptibility to your influence. Others will appear cold towards you, only to reveal their attraction to the trained eye of the seducer. As an Alpha male, you must identify signs that point toward either attraction or disinterest, and judge whether your target is worth your time based on these clues. Here are some easy to spot signs that you can look for:

Eye contact- This is one of the biggest signals a woman can give you. If she makes eye contact with you frequently, you have good odds. Frequent, longer lasting eye contact is arguably the biggest indicator that a woman is attracted to you. This one also applies inversely. If a woman never makes eye contact with you, if she hastily breaks eye contact to the side (downcast eyes are different than sidecast), or if she notices your gaze on her and never looks in your direction again, your odds are not good.

Her positioning- If she sits next to you when there are plenty of other seats available, that's a great sign. If she sits in the corner facing the wall with her hand over her neck, she wants nothing to do with anyone. Look for women with open, friendly body language. Watch where her feet are pointing; women tend to point their feet towards men they are attracted to. You want uncrossed arms, chins up, relaxed postures. Essentially, if a girl strikes you as seeming open to being talked to, she probably is.

She talks to you first- If a woman approaches you, it is quite frequently because she's interested in you. Women very rarely make an active effort to talk to men they are not interested in sexually. It doesn't matter what the context of the conversation is. If she asks you for a pencil, the time, or any other seemingly trivial thing that she could ask anyone else for, she probably digs you. Now, if a woman asks you for the time, this doesn't mean she wants to jump your bones. Play it cool and you're guaranteed above average odds with her.

Obviously there are more signs that women can give than any one person could ever learn. If you focus on looking for these three big ones, you'll start to notice other little signs that she'll give you simultaneously. She'll stroke her hair, mess with her clothes, fidget around, pick at her fingernails. Many girls might have a specific tell, like a facial tic or verbal idiosyncrasies. After a while, you'll be able to get a feel for whether a girl is into you or not within a couple minutes of talking to her.

When you approach women without first getting a sign from her that she's interested, you have a higher rate of failure. Unfortunately, many women (especially high-value ones) will hide all these signs behind a layer of bitch frigidity. Thus, you must approach even the coldest women with an air of supreme confidence. You must already know she is attracted you before she ever lays eyes on you. If you believe in your heart of hearts that you are an alpha male deserving of all the world has to offer, she will sense it and give you all you desire. Falter, and she will sense this too and bring about your destruction.

-Lip Jaxon

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Red Flags & White Knights

     A common disease among betabitchboys is White Knight Syndrome. A disease of the mind, this syndrome attacks the mental processes of the man. Men worship the feet of the Great Female. Any time she pouts, or threatens to leave, or whines to her friends, or tells you to fetch her this or that thing, these are all tests to determine in her mind whom wears the pants in the relationship. Most girls these days are used to guys obeying her every command and throwing themselves at her feet with apologies on command. When you break that pattern, you are showing that you are different from about 80% of men. This automatically makes you more attractive, even if you piss her off. Emotion she feels while thinking about you translates into more attraction, even if she's angry or jealous or sad. All female emotion is converted into attraction. Don't go out of your way to enrage the Beast, but make sure she feels SOMETHING.

     The bros I was with last night did not follow these rules. We were hanging with a ball of estrogen, tears and lust. She had several classic red flags which point towards a crazy bitch. Here are some things she did that you all should watch out for if you want to stay out of her spiderweb.

-Takes 50 selfies over the course of the night. Constantly disengaged on phone.

     This shit bugs me. Put your damn phone away and have a conversation. This alone is enough for me to not want anything to do with her. This isn't the hugest red flag, but I'm a stickler for this kind of shit. Call me old fashioned.

-Mood swings.

      If goes from smiling to depressed and back within a few minutes, get the fuck out of there. Seriously, you don't want to fuck with girls who don't have their emotional shit in order. It's not worth it.
^Side note on this: Hot girls sometimes have lots of baggage. Hit it once and never talk to her again. Take a picture to show your mates; it'll make you feel better about having to get rid of her.

-Overly possessive/jealous

     If she flips her shit over you giving any amount of attention to another woman, that's a sign she doesn't know how to handle the jealousy that all girls feel. Women during their childhood figure out how to keep all their bullshit in check. The ones that haven't learned how to hide their jealous rage tend to be held back my some emotional/mental damage. Naturally, don't flaunt your ogling other women in front of her face, but if she reacts angrily to either you paying attention to another woman or the lack of your attention to her, you will want to tread carefully. Women whose emotions are sparked easily by some perceived insult will be the first ones to explode when they are infected by your charms. Stay away from ticking time bombs. Drop any woman who exhibits signs of being emotionally unstable.

^This bit does not apply to a girlfriend scenario. Be nice to your exclusive partners. You'll want to be somewhat considerate of their feelings, else you risk causing too many waves in her emotional ocean. Never, however, become a sycophant.

-Baits you into her bullshit

     Keep an eye out for anything that makes you react emotionally. If she drops something on you like "Everyone hates me", "I'm so ugly/fat/sad", "This is so hard...", that's when you know she's trying to manipulate you. Women might not be aware that this is manipulation, as this is how their social dynamics work. Since women communicate with each other emotionally, what they say typically comes loaded with a shitload of emotional vitriol. Your job is to sift through all her emotions, contrived and genuine, and figure out what the real message is in her words. Usually, the message is something like "Do what I'm trying to get you to do like my other manslaves". Your response must be "No."

     The moral of the story here is make sure you're thinking of yourself first. Figure out what you want from the relationship, and then don't get sucked into doing what she wants. Don't commit to taking the responsibility of feeding her ego or dealing with whatever drama she's got going on. Once you are in control of the relationship, you can decide to deal with her emotional crap however you wish to. Until then, it's not your problem.

-Lip Jaxon

Thursday, August 21, 2014


Every alpha male knows that happy guys get more women. It's common knowledge that people who smile, are friendly, and seem happy tend to be surrounded with happy people who enjoy their presence. If you examine people who are very successful in their relationships, you'll find that many of them project a veritable aura of happiness on all around them. By learning how to project an aura of happiness, you too can surround yourself with a crowd of adoring peers.

Now, this is obviously easier said than done. It's tough to purposefully change any aspect of your mind, and for some happiness can seem impossible. I imagine many of you have never been really truly happy. However, if you make some simple modifications in your life, you can change your attitude for the better.

First, here's why you really need to seem happy. Putting all benefits for your own well-being aside, being happy is attractive. People who smile seem more attractive than people who don't. Being happy makes you friendly and confident, which in turn gains you more friends and interested females. Having more of those people around in turn gives you social proof to attract higher quality females. Essentially, happiness by itself is great for your personal self-worth. By increasing your confidence, improving your attitude, and making you seem at ease, you become vastly more attractive to women.

"OK, happiness is great, blah blah blah. We get it, Lip. Now tell us how to be happy and get infinite pussy!"

Fine, fine. I'll tell you. Here's the secret to happiness... Just kidding. I can't tell you how to magically become happier. I can, though, clue you in to some little tricks you can use to modify your life and create a positive outlook.

1. Practice smiling in the car -     This one is awesome for two reasons. First, practicing your smile is important. You want to have a genuine full faced smile full of white teeth. Rehearsing your smile lets you fake a good smile much more easily. Move those cheeks up and make sure you squint a little when you smile to make it seem more natural.
The second reason this is awesome is that smiling, even fake smiling, releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy. Smiling makes you happy which makes you smile more. Trick your brain into feeling genuine happiness by fake smiling even when you really don't feel like it. It's hard to get over the awkwardness of it, but after a few minutes you should feel better about it. Try to smile the whole way to work if you can!

2. Set up positivity reminders -      Every time you think a happy thought, happiness becomes a little bit easier. Put up a little note somewhere you'll see it often with an encouraging message on it. "Hang in there!" "Keep up the good work, sexy!" "Damn, those jeans look good!". Whatever you want to feel good about, write yourself a note. Every time you see the reminder, take it to heart. Really accept the message. Just one extra positive thought in your head every day can make some significant impact.

3. Surround yourself with happy friends -    Don't get sucked into negativity by the people around you. Dump your drama queen girlfriend. Excise the emotional cancer your shithead friends bring into your life. Do not feel sad for removing the people who ask to be removed through their actions. Actively seek out to find new positive influences in your life. Meeting people at the gym or at church tends to be a great way to make some happy connections.

4. Exercise!
Exercise makes you happy and healthy. Seriously, just get out there and take a walk. Find a sport or activity that you really enjoy doing. It's hard when you start, but you'll love it before too long.

There are a ton of ways you can tweak your life for the better. Always be seeking to make positive changes. Your mind is the one thing that is yours that nobody can take from you. No one can invade your mind and make you feel like a piece of shit. You are responsible for your own mentality, so take action! Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get your new happy life into gear.

-Lip Jaxon


Since wordpress is a pain in the ass and hosting costs money, here I am at Blogger. Don't hold my humble beginnings against me, O mighty blogosphere. This entry will be quick & to the point, as I am short on time.

This will be a blog on the male lifestyle. I will provide advice for men to become better men. I will give advice for men who have been indoctrinated their whole lives to believe certain falsehoods about love and social dynamics. I will teach men easy tricks to make positive changes in their lives. This is the topic for a blog which I feel will be most helpful to people, and therefore will be most lucrative. I help you, you give me money. I like that dynamic.

Before, I decided to write about whatever thought happened to pop into my head. I wrote some great intellectual pieces about some heady topics. Unfortunately, while they were fulfilling to write, I don't believe many people are interested in reading that kind of philosophical mind-status literature. This led me to thinking about what I might write about that people would be really interested in, other than recreational fiction. I looked to the world around me, filled with men who have been trained their whole lives by women to be domesticated pussycats, tiptoeing around their wives and girlfriends, praying to be bequeathed the magical gift of sex. It's odd to think of the select few men who have been properly trained in the simplest of Vesuvian arts as "pickup artists". At first, I wanted to help all of my friends become proper Men like myself. I soon found these friends reacted with anger and rejected my teachings. People don't like to be awoken from their sweet unrealities. I will instead teach you, my apt pupil, my reader of words. You will absorb my teachings greedily, lap up my sweet milk of knowledge. My writings will slowly transform your mind into the state it must be in to achieve the results you wish for. I will fill you with the correct behaviors, and I will logically break down the reasons for them.

I plan to decode the female-male dynamic. The ephemeral feminine mystique is no more. We will achieve higher levels of self awareness, and thereby we will look upon the feminine world demystified, empowered by a new perfected worldview.

-Lip Jaxon