A common disease among betabitchboys is White Knight Syndrome. A disease of the mind, this syndrome attacks the mental processes of the man. Men worship the feet of the Great Female. Any time she pouts, or threatens to leave, or whines to her friends, or tells you to fetch her this or that thing, these are all tests to determine in her mind whom wears the pants in the relationship. Most girls these days are used to guys obeying her every command and throwing themselves at her feet with apologies on command. When you break that pattern, you are showing that you are different from about 80% of men. This automatically makes you more attractive, even if you piss her off. Emotion she feels while thinking about you translates into more attraction, even if she's angry or jealous or sad. All female emotion is converted into attraction. Don't go out of your way to enrage the Beast, but make sure she feels SOMETHING.
The bros I was with last night did not follow these rules. We were hanging with a ball of estrogen, tears and lust. She had several classic red flags which point towards a crazy bitch. Here are some things she did that you all should watch out for if you want to stay out of her spiderweb.
-Takes 50 selfies over the course of the night. Constantly disengaged on phone.
This shit bugs me. Put your damn phone away and have a conversation. This alone is enough for me to not want anything to do with her. This isn't the hugest red flag, but I'm a stickler for this kind of shit. Call me old fashioned.
-Mood swings.
If goes from smiling to depressed and back within a few minutes, get the fuck out of there. Seriously, you don't want to fuck with girls who don't have their emotional shit in order. It's not worth it.
^Side note on this: Hot girls sometimes have lots of baggage. Hit it once and never talk to her again. Take a picture to show your mates; it'll make you feel better about having to get rid of her.
-Overly possessive/jealous
If she flips her shit over you giving any amount of attention to another woman, that's a sign she doesn't know how to handle the jealousy that all girls feel. Women during their childhood figure out how to keep all their bullshit in check. The ones that haven't learned how to hide their jealous rage tend to be held back my some emotional/mental damage. Naturally, don't flaunt your ogling other women in front of her face, but if she reacts angrily to either you paying attention to another woman or the lack of your attention to her, you will want to tread carefully. Women whose emotions are sparked easily by some perceived insult will be the first ones to explode when they are infected by your charms. Stay away from ticking time bombs. Drop any woman who exhibits signs of being emotionally unstable.
^This bit does not apply to a girlfriend scenario. Be nice to your exclusive partners. You'll want to be somewhat considerate of their feelings, else you risk causing too many waves in her emotional ocean. Never, however, become a sycophant.
-Baits you into her bullshit
Keep an eye out for anything that makes you react emotionally. If she drops something on you like "Everyone hates me", "I'm so ugly/fat/sad", "This is so hard...", that's when you know she's trying to manipulate you. Women might not be aware that this is manipulation, as this is how their social dynamics work. Since women communicate with each other emotionally, what they say typically comes loaded with a shitload of emotional vitriol. Your job is to sift through all her emotions, contrived and genuine, and figure out what the real message is in her words. Usually, the message is something like "Do what I'm trying to get you to do like my other manslaves". Your response must be "No."
The moral of the story here is make sure you're thinking of yourself first. Figure out what you want from the relationship, and then don't get sucked into doing what she wants. Don't commit to taking the responsibility of feeding her ego or dealing with whatever drama she's got going on. Once you are in control of the relationship, you can decide to deal with her emotional crap however you wish to. Until then, it's not your problem.
-Lip Jaxon
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